
EasyPrep Plant DNA Extraction kit

EasyPrep Plant DNA Extraction kit provides a fast, simple, and cost-effective genomic DNA miniprep method for routine molecular biology laboratory applications. The kit uses silica membrane technology to eliminate the cumbersome steps associated with loose resins or slurries. DNA binds to the silica membrane while contaminants such as proteins and polysaccharides are efficiently removed by two wash steps. EasyPrep Plant DNA Purification kit is ready for use and can be applied to purify Genomic DNA from a variety of plant species and tissues, and the whole process is less than 1 hour. Furthermore, phenol extraction and ethanol precipitation are not required. Purified DNA is suitable for PCR, restriction digestion, genomic DNA library, and Southern hybridization. 

No. Size Price Qty
DPT-BC20 50preps $216.67
The price does not include shipping fee and tax. ORDER
  • Specially developed for plant samples.
  • No phenol / chloroform extraction.
  • DNA yield up to 30ug.
  • Suitable for general plant samples.



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2024-06-01 14:05:57