
TOOLStrong Transfection Reagent

TOOLStrong transfection reagent is cationic polymer-based transfection reagent that can be used for DNA transfection with low toxicity compared with liposomal or cationic methods. This product has broad spectrum for most commonly used established cell lines and it is an ideal solution for high-performance with maximum compatibility.
No. Size Price Qty
TTF-CZ201 1ml $203.45
TTF-CZ201-10 10 X 1ml $1,689.66
The price does not include shipping fee and tax. ORDER
  • Transfects cells fast and efficiently
  • Suitable for DNA transfection
  • Require a low amount of DNA sample and Reagent
  • Extremely low cell toxicity
  • No need for medium exchange
Experimental Data comparison between TOOLStrong Transfection Reagent and Competitors:
Data 1. 

Data 2.

Suitable for a variety of cell lines:​