
EasyPrep Plant RNAprep Purification Kit

EasyPrep Plant RNAprep Purification Kit provides a fast, simple, and cost-effective method for purification of total RNA from plant cells and tissues. The purified RNA is ready for use in downstream applications such as RT-PCR and real-time RT-PCR, microarray, northern blot, dot blot, polyA screening, in vitro transcription, and molecular cloning.


No. Size Price Qty
DPT-BD32 50preps $327.00
The price does not include shipping fee and tax. ORDER
  • High yield, up to 60ug RNA from 100mg plant tissue.
  • No phenol / chloroform extraction.
  • Complete removal of genomic DNA contamination by DNase I.
  • Suitable for many type of plant tissue.
Work Flow



   Total RNA was purified from 80mg Atenia cordifolia

    leaves using EasyPrep Plant RNAprep Extraction Kit.

    Eluting volume: 100ul; Loading: 3ul/lane


​Yield of total RNA with EasyPrep Plant RNAprep Purification Kit
Leaves of Plants (100 mg) Total RNA Yield (µ​g)
Arabidopsis thaliana  ~35
Corn  ~25
Tomato  ~65
Tobacco  ~60



Q1.  Can Tools plant RNA Extraction kit be used on Anther tissue?
A:  We did not test this kit on 
another tissue. The customer can evaluate the results and try but we do not guarantee any results